Common Uses: Veneer, musical instruments, boats and shipbuilding, furniture, cabinetry, trim work, flooring, inlays, carving, turned objects, and other small specialty wood items. Comments: This wood has been used for a huge variety of roles in its native Africa. the unique wood source! Comments: Many electric guitar players and builders, alike, swear by this wood — known for its crisp highs, tight lows and scooped mid content. *Due to cites restrictions, we are unable to ship Cocobolo internationally. In spite of this difficult working properties, it does turn and finish quite well — taking a high polish and displaying an impressive natural luster. We have over 250 species of woods and more than 9,000 hand-curated selections offering hobbiests, craftworkers and designers countless options to match any project or style. Exotic Woods USA is your premium Online Exotic Wood Supplier to buy over 100 exotic woods. Common Uses: Flooring, furniture, cabinets, joinery, veneer, gunstocks and general construction. Marblewood is also known for its high natural resin content; proper, complete kiln drying is essential for applications which involve finishing. (… thus the name. While its dense, hard, heavy physical nature makes it rough on blades and sometimes difficult to glue, it turns very smoothly and is extremely stable and durable. Sustainability: This species is not listed in the CITES Appendices, but is listed as “Vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List. Despite being rather grainy and pourous, it sands very smooth, revealing a pleasing natural luster. The Diospyros tree is the origin of ebony wood, which is sufficiently … Its heartwood is light-medium to medium brown, with a tint that can range from muted gold to a pale red. Long boards are always in short supply and sell at a premium, when found. 0. Finding any sizable boards is pretty rare in the US, especially ones without some sort of significant defect. It’s surface is typically darker than most sap maple (often featuring secondary / additional discolorations and other long streaks), although it retains the same high degree of natural luster. There are a few different types of wood which are known as Pau Ferro: the most common one is also known as Bolivian Rosewood, and Morado. Comments: Himalayan Cedar was introduced to Europe in 1822, and to the United States, nine years later, in 1831. SLOWLY BUT SURELY. It’s a durable wood and is considered stable, once dried. It must be slowly and carefully air dried, prior to kiln drying. Common Uses: Turned objects, musical instruments, furniture, and small specialty wood objects. Shipping delays + limits at stores due to COVID-19 affects (click for details) ... Our woods are hand selected from premium kiln dried lumber that you'll love to work with. Once you’re passed that, it is generally easy to work, and glues and finishes well. Other than the occasional tearout issues associated with lumber with interlocking grains, the wood is very easily worked. It should be noted that the wood is decidedly non-durable and is susceptible to insect attack. Its handsome aesthetics will stay attractive even after many years of service. It is less oily, also, which adds up to some generally very cooperative working, turning, gluing and finishing properties. Comments: Snakewood is a “first cousin” to Bloodwood, which is also a species of the Brosimum genus. This piece of lumber has numerous penetrating checks, splits and bark incursions present. Alaskan Cedar has been a wood embroiled in controversy with botanical and wood experts, historically, as the wood has experienced its genus reclassified on six different times over the course of the last two centuries. Common Uses: Veneer, high-end cabinetry, billiard cues, musical instruments, turning, crafts and other small specialty items. Known in the US primarily as “Genuine Mahogany,” Swietenia Macrophylla, its scientific name, is what most in the exotic lumber industry consider to be the true species when referring to “Mahogany.” Historically, it has been a very economically important wood throughout the Latin America region. While it is most commonly found in the softer maples, it is also seen regularly in Hard Maples, which is what we offer. Menu. Like many other oaks, quartersawn pieces will typically display fleck ray patterns. It has been compared to Mahogany in appearance by some. The wood has become very popular for crafts, gun and knife handles and guitar fretboards, due to its very striking, unique appearance. (Typically, a warmer the climate yields faster growth.). Its heartwood can vary from a muted orange- to reddish-brown, with dark brown or black thin stripes. Sapele is an economically-important wood to the continent of Africa, and one that continues to grow in popularity in other industries beyond veneer mills, here in the US. Although most sources consider Wenge to be a dull wood with poor natural luster, our experience has revealed that a deep, glossy luster can sometimes emerge through fine-grit sanding of flatsawn boards. Despite its relatively light weight and density, it is a very durable and quite versatile species — having seen duty in numerous indoor and outdoor applications. (This is where it gets tricky.) Given this, finding long, undefective boards is quite rare; such pieces always command premium prices. Hand selecting woods from around the world for over 40 years! Its texture is similar to African Mahogany, being slightly open grained with large pores. It is quite dimensionally stable and fairly easy to work except when the pieces are highly figured or have heavily interlocked grains. Shop by Price $3.00 - $170.00 (129) $170.01 - $350.00 (32) I have amassed over 500 wood species on a single poster, arranged into eight major geographic regions, with each wood sorted and ranked according to its Janka hardness. Ptaeroxylon Obliquum, from which Sneezewood is derived, is a deciduous evergreen tree or shrub. Flatsawn pieces usually have very plain-looking aesthetics; the bulk of which is used for utility purposes. Comments: Most relevant, from our perspective, is the fact the many people refer to this wood as “Indian Rosewood,” which is inaccurate; Sissoo (Dalbergia Sissoo) is also known through its natural region as “Indian Rosewood.”. Other than the supply issue, a root cause for this is the fact that trees reach full maturity at a height of only 40 to 50 feet, with miniscule trunk diameters of just 1 to 1-1/2 feet. Sustainability: This species is not currently listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Denser than East Indian Rosewood, Honduran Rosewood is well known for being the preferred wood for Marimba bars, with its ringing, well-rounded tonal properties. Although not a true Dalbergia rosewood, this beautiful, quite versatile wood holds many similarities. Its grains can be straight, wavy or slightly interlocked, and it has a smooth, consistent texture and an impressive natural luster that emerges with fine-grit sanding. Comments: Exercise caution when working with this wood. Although its texture is medium to coarse, it has a high degree of natural luster and can display figure and chatoyance. It is listed as “Vulnerable,” due to a population reduction of over 20% in the past three generations. Pink Ivory Wood. Common Uses: Flooring, decking, exterior lumber, veneer, tool handles, and other turned objects. Black Palm’s weight and density can vary greatly, depending on growing conditions and specific location. It must be worked carefully with only the sharpest of tools. Amara is known for its deep chocolate browns with pink striping; the difference in its coloration and that of typical Macassar Ebony being attributed to the soil conditions in Indonesia. Sustainability: Not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Known for its great toughness, strength and durability, its wood has been used for centuries in a variety of functions in the third-world settings to which it is indigenous. It often has dark brown or black overlapping highlights (as well as lighter colored patches, occasionally ranging from yellow to orange), which is what distinguishes White Limba (also called “Korina”) from Black Limba (same wood / same species; just differing aesthetics). It is a true rosewood, with a density second only to African Blackwood. Comments: A number of examples feature “landscape” grain patterns, giving credence to the school of thought that perhaps the wood is some sort of Malaysian Blackwood-Macassar Ebony hybrid, or is at least worthy of its own species designation. Sustainability: This wood species is in CITES Appendix II, and is on the IUCN Red List as “Conservation Dependent.”. 1 comment . Clear grades are most desired by cabinet and furniture crafters. Teak’s sawdust contains naturally occurring organic compounds (called “quinones”) that inhibit the growth of the fungi which cause wood rot. More dense specimens have been used for a number of demanding outdoor applications in Africa, yet premium-grade pieces can hold their own, aesthetically, with the finest exotic woods in the world — often boasting a high degree of chatoyance, and a remarkably deep, 3D-like figure. Exotic Wood. Woods of the World Since 1979 The Best in Hardwood, Softwood, Live Edge, Wood Flooring and Finishes. The striping is random and irregular; no two patterns are ever alike. We find this dust to be no more “toxic” than any other true Dalbergia rosewood, with such affects being attributable more to the sheer mass of dust created than anything unusually threatening about the dust’s chemical makeup. (… including the IUCN!) It is a very popular musical instrument wood that produces a rich, warm tone. "World Woods" is alphabetical by common name, which is easier unless you know the wood by a name other than what the authors considered to be the most common name. 1,478 Sales | 5 out of 5 stars. We actively source an array of reclaimed, sustainable and environmentally conscious woods from around the world. Common Uses: Carvings, wagon boxes, musical instruments (electric guitar bodies), cheap furniture, veneer, plywood, utility wood and wood pulp and fiber products. It has a base of brown-toned hues, highlighted by a variety of colors which can range from muted purples to reds, oranges and golds, Its pleasing aesthetics and great working and finishing properties make it a popular choice with guitar and furniture builders, alike. It ranges massively in color and can have some stunning figures as a result. Common Uses: Inlay, carving, regional utility wood, furniture, musical instruments and turned objects. (It is still very popular throughout Southern Africa for indoor carpentry and floors, as it is also dimensionally stable.) Reddish brown in color, its figure can vary in density from block to block. Honduran Rosewood’s grain lines are unusually tight and straight (though sometimes wavy or interlocked). Sustainability: Not listed in the CITES Appendices; categorized on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a species of “least concern.”. It can be difficult to work due to its density and interlocked grain. Its grains are generally straight or irregular, and its texture is fine. This particular box is made of bubinga wood, which is a deep red wood from Africa. Orders over $120.00 get FREE or Discounted shipping* (*internet completed orders only--max. Common Uses: Fine furniture, cabinetry, doors, decorative trim and gun stocks. Most of what is made available to the US market is plantation-grown, which produces wood that is lower in density, and paler in color than that cut from trees grown in forests. It is perhaps best noted for its use in the manufacture of wine barrels; the wood is said to have a mellowing effect on the taste and texture of wines which are aged in the barrels. It works easy and glues and finishes well, which is why it is also a popular choice of the small segment of wood turners familiar with it. It sap can vary from an almost pure white to a light cream color with tinting ranging from a golden yellow to a muted red; heartwood is generally medium to dark reddish-brown colored. Lumber which originates from the wood’s indigenous natural regions is considered to be significantly more durable and stable than its plantation-grown counterparts. Common uses: Boatbuilding, veneer, flooring, cabinetry, furniture and turnings. Its muted light yellow-, orange- or red-tinted brown underlying base color is covered by tight, uniform patterns of darker brown or black patches which give the appearance of snakeskin. There has been a lot of heavy poaching going on throughout Central America — particularly in Mexico — and this wood is the most coveted in the entire region. This process can be slowed and minimized by using a finishing product with UV-inhibitor additives. Secondly, the tree is comprised of two entirely different layers: at its core is a soft, spongy cellulose mass; this soft core is surrounded by a protective body, comprised of dense, overlapping layers of interwoven fibrovascular strands. Comments: Sneezewood is considered to be one of the most durable, bug and rot resistant woods in the world, having been classified as “Imperishable” in its native South Africa. Premium-quality pieces will display mottled or sometimes even, ironically (and more rare), tiger-striped figuring. It’s toughness and excellent shock resistance makes it a popular choice for tool handles. Wood Name: Specie Name: Country of Origin: African Blackwood: Dalbergia melanoxylon: Tanzania: Afromosia: Pericopsis elata: West Africa: Alder (Spalted) Alnus spp. We stock roots, but the details we provide are for the timber. When burned, Hickory emits high thermal energy levels — making it the preferred fuel wood for wood burning stoves, dating back well over 100 years. Its grains are typically straight, but can be slightly interlocked. *Due to cites restrictions, we are unable to ship Pernambuco internationally. Rare Woods USA is very pleased to be able to offer a limited amount of larger boards and billets of this spectacular exotic wood. It is a tough, durable wood — very resistant to both rot, and bug and worm infestation — making it a popular choice for custom gun handles. While it is considered to be typically straight grained, because of its toughness the wood can be very diificult to work; splintering and tearouts are not uncommon. Rhodesian Teak has a low shrinkage rate and is considered to be a solid, dimensionally stable wood, when dry. Pieces which feature dramatic figuring and chatoyance, like its namesake, are not uncommon, either. Its heartwood can range from yellow to pink to orange. By comparison to Braz Rw, its pores are smaller; but it is also a very durable wood, that’s not overly susceptible to bug damage / infestation and is considered stable after drying. Coronavirus Update (7/22/2020) → Comments: The reason this wood continues to grow in popularity in the US — with guitar builders, gun & knife manufacturers (handles) and wood turners — is due to the exceptional aesthetics, for which the species is known, and the very reasonable board-foot prices for which these boards generally sell. Like many woods of comparable density, it can be difficult to work and hard on blades, but that is of little concern to those who have experience with this regal ebony species. Finding long boards of it can be most difficult; pieces of craft-sized dimensions are more commonly found in the US. After sanding, a deep, very dark chocolate color emerges.). In times past, this medium-density wood was a heavily-used utility wood and was a staple in the paper / pulp industry … then Dutch Elm Disease showed up, and its numbers have been decimated since continually gathering steam. Common Uses: Tool handles, oars, flooring, textile rollers, drawing instruments, canoes, cabinets, furniture, paneling, decorative plywood, veneer, turnings and carvings. Panga Panga is the first cousin to Africa’s more popular and well-known exotic, Wenge (with both trees being of the Millettia genus) — sharing a similar large pored, course texture, and presenting some of the same challenges when working. (… in spite of being an unfigured wood noted for its generally forgettable aesthetic qualities.). Trees are quite adaptable; despite a typically slow growth rate, Red Cedar is capable of growing in a variety of climates and soil conditions. Its density contributes to challenging workability, while the oil content makes for difficult gluing. Its bark, roots and the latex have been utilized for centuries in concoctions used to treat a variety of medical issues. Yellowwood is an even-grained, lightweight South African wood that has been used historically for hundreds of years, and a variety of purposes. It’s primary heartwood colors are typically confined to varying brown hues, although secondary colors of red, orange and yellows are commonly present. Prices for it are significantly less than its genuine counterpart; with the current export restrictions being imposed on mahoganies in Central America, Sapele (despite being exported from Africa) has become much easier to source. Its cooperative grain structure and moderate density give Black Walnut excellent working properties, which have made it coveted by fine furniture craftsmen for centuries. Be very large variances in birdseye size and content ) only grows in the industry. 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