Dutch Empire (1450-1750) STUDY. Covers the early modern period in the history of the Indian subcontinent, dominated by the rise and fall of the glorious Mughal empire. Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603. MAJOR EMPIRES: 1450-1750 CENTRALIZATION OF GOVERNMENT During this era between 1450 and 1750 some of the old feudal kings amassed enough power to allow their kingdoms to sponsor the expensive sea voyages necessary for colonization in the New World. Americas 1300-1800 •Rise of Incas •Continued rise of Aztecs •Conquest – arrival of Spanish in western hemisphere •Population impacts: disease, racial intermingling, war •Columbian exchange •Colonial societies . The trade with the colonies and African slave traders began the trade triangle. English History timeline chronology for the years 1450 - 1459 during the reign of King Henry VI showing dates and details of events •Portugal led the way in the voyages of exploration. Print; Main. Slave Trade Size 1450 - 1850. 3. Aethelwulf: 839-858. 1453 ends the 100ys War between England and France ... Spice Islands, and China and sail under the respective flag to create trade monopolies; they are more indirect form of mercantilism R ... Microsoft Word - persia chart # 13 western europe 1450-1750.doc Author: wrighta Continuity/Change Over Time During the 1450’s to 1750’s the Americas were evolving at a constant rate. Terms in this set (15) Mercantilism. Republicanism and liberalism. Changes in Architecture: <-The Tower of London was created to intimidate enemies of the English. Aethelred I: 866-871. (Governance) Historical Developments. Home » All Subjects » History » English History by Decade » English History 1450 – 1459 English History 1450 – 1459 17/06/2020 11/06/2017 by Heather Y Wheeler Americas 1300-1800 •Rise of Incas •Continued rise of Aztecs •Conquest – arrival of Spanish in ... England •Limited/constitutional monarchy •Civil Wars •Commonwealth •Charles II ... spice trade (nutmeg, cloves and pepper) Gender and Empire •How might colonial (Unfortunately, the French data is not shown.) Britain established the thirteen colonies, but they were not as lucrative as the settlements in the Caribbean. Explain the continuities and changes in networks of exchange from 1450 to 1750. Spice trade, the cultivation, preparation, transport, and merchandising of spices and herbs, an enterprise of ancient origins and great cultural and economic significance. Vertical Divider. In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed under the flag of Spain, and in 1497 John Cabot sailed on behalf of England, but both failed to find the storied spice lands (though Columbus returned from his journey with many new fruits and vegetables, including chili peppers). 1450–1750: 22% of the AP Exam Overall Changes 1) The world became truly global - the western hemisphere came into continued contact with the eastern hemisphere. In 1750 only England and the Netherlands had constitutional monarchies, governments that limited the powers of the king or ruler. Spell. Aethelberht: 860-866. 1450-1750 Early Modern Period. Key Concept 4.1. HOUSE OF WESSEX. Ottoman (& safavid) empire 1450 1750 1. established trading post empires. Early Modern Europe: 1450 to 1750 CE. [Social; Political; Interactions between humans and the environment; Cultural; Economic] to help you categorize and remember the 5 areas of analysis. Test. The East India Company would then supply the goods to the British Empire. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Free Resources. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1450 – 1750 Janet Pareja, Signature School, Evansville, IN 2. AP Concept: 4.2 New Forms of Social Organization and Modes of Production Key Concepts. Coleman, D. C. (1977), The economy of England, 1450–1750, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anglican Church was began which gave Henry complete control over his country. c. 1450-1648. View notes - spice chart 1450docx from history 101 at la vernia h s spice chart ap world history ming, qing (manchu) dynasty 1450 emperor qianlong in the ming. Chapter 21 Colleen Skadl. Home > High School > AP World History > Notes > Changes in Social Hierarchies: c. 1450 - c. 1750 Changes in Social Hierarchies: c. 1450 - c. 1750 AP Concept: 4.2 New Forms of Social Organization and Modes of Production Mary I 07/19/1553 - 1558. Fun Fact: Six ravens are always kept inside the Tower of London. Henry VII 1500 - 1509. Originally built by William the Conqueror on top of Roman ruins. Created by. EMPIRES 1450-1750 Nathan Roher. Early Modern Art and Literature 1450-1750. The Age of Discovery, or the Age of Exploration (approximately from the beginning of the 15th century until the middle of the 17th century), is an informal and loosely defined term for the period in European history in which extensive overseas exploration, led by the Portuguese, emerged as a powerful factor in European culture, most notably the European rediscovery of the Americas. 2 treatises of government . Changes in Religion: Separated from Roman Catholic Church because Henry VIII wanted a divorce which he was not granted. pan-indian identity . Edward the Elder : 899-925. Explain how rulers employed economic strategies to consolidate and maintain power throughout the period from 1450 to 1750. between the Old World and New. The Tower was added on over the years with Henry VIII replacing the wooden walls with stone ones. Reading: The Columbian Exchange Egbert : 802-839. Print; Main. Thank You!!!! Objectives * Understand how Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, France, England, and the nations of Central Europe changed politically during the time period 1450-1750 *Understand the rise of absolutism (absolute monarchs) in ... monopolize the spice trade in Indonesia. Introduction. Ottoman, safavid, and mughal empires Christine Miller. (1450-1750) Unit 3 & 4 Learning Guide: File Size: 87 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. 1450. Henry VIII in 1540, by Hans Holbein the Younger. Astronomical charts; Can you explain how cross-cultural interactions (trade routes) resulted in the diffusion of technology and facilitated changes in the patterns of trade and travel from 1450 to 1750? Richard Cromwell 1658 - 1659. Explain the similarities and differences in how various belief systems affected societies from 1450 to 1750. Read background information and primary source for 4 Early Modern Rulers. Transformation of Europe 1450-1750; Outline 1450-1750; 1450 AD- 1750 AD Timeline; US History Content. OYO & BENIN Located in present-day Nigeria POLITICAL ORGANIZATION: Independent city-states of the Yoruba people; grew up around 1000 CE ECONOMIC SYSTEM: slave trade with Europeans, exchanging slaves for guns Start studying Western Europe Spice Chart. African Slave Trade 1450-1750. Objectives * Understand how Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, France, England, and the nations of Central Europe changed politically during the time period 1450-1750 *Understand the rise of absolutism (absolute monarchs) in Europe. Includes the periods of the Renaissance, Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Wars of religion, the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. Early-Modern Society and Women. The British empire may have profited greatly from the overseas colonies but they still conducted trade with other European nations as well as Asian nations. It served as a royal residence, a prison, and a stronghold. Start studying AP history Unit 4 Spice Charts. The founding of these sites brought the Americas into the already thriving global economy. 2. Aethelbald: 858-860. After the act of Union in 1707 the king or queen is more correctly called the monarch of Great Britain. increased by plantation economy primarily exported from Africa-Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. … Legend has it that if they leave the kingdom will fall. English/British Monarchs 1500-1750. Upon arrival, this begun the African slave trade that would last for many decades. The English empire was able to expand its empire with the money made from the trade they conducted with their overseas colonies. •1600’s Other Europeans began to colonize North America. Throughout East Asia, the development of Neo-Confucianism solidified a cultural identity. As we make our way through this unit, we will cover the origins of the modern world, centered on the Colombian exchange of people, disease, plants, etc. Unit 4 - The Early Modern Era (1450-1750 - Themes & Debating the Character of an Era handout - While reading through the above, use various identifiers (highlighting, underlining, etc) to determine which portions of the reading pertain to each of the 3 themes. Originally built by William the Conqueror on top of Roman ruins. Global Exchange: c. 1450 - c. 1750 . The early modern period between 1450 and 1750 CE is characterized by the age of commercial revolution and the beginning of European dominance. Three powerful countries that emerged were Spain, England, and France. Rise of Russia 1450-1750 Greg Sill. These British settlements supplied their goods to the British East India trading company, which was a company privately owned by aristocrats and wealthy merchants. Early Modern Era (1450-1750) Big Idea: Across Asia, states were continuing to utilize traditional methods to maintain power in their land-based empires. The European Dynastic States 1494-1660 2. New crops brought back to England from new world. This map shows British, Dutch and Spanish shipping routes from 1750 to 1800. 1450 –1750 Transitions and the Quest for Political Stability. Lady Jane Grey 07/10/1553 - 07/19/1553. Go to Henry VIII (1491–1547) in World Encyclopedia (1 ed.) WARFARE – 1450 to 1750 The nature of warfare changed in profound and lasting ways in the period covered in this volume, in almost every arena: the weapons used, tactics deployed, strategies pursued, the scale and organization of land and sea forces, and the impact of warfare on states and societies. It served as a royal residence, a prison, and a stronghold. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Explain how political, economic, and cultural factors affected society from 1450 to 1750. Changes in Social Hierarchies: c. 1450 - c. 1750 . S.P.I.C.E. Chesapeake slavery. PERIOD 4 REVIEW: 1450 - 1750 C.E. Qing Dynasty Spice Chart Quizlet. The Portuguese Empire 1450-1750. •1400’s Portugal and Spain began to look for different routes to the Eastern Markets. James I 1603 - 1625. England, Scotland, and Ireland had shared a monarch for more than a hundred years, since the Union of the Crowns in 1603, when King James VI of Scotland inherited the English and Irish thrones from his first cousin twice removed, Queen Elizabeth I. to 1750 C.E..docx from WORLD HISTORY 101 at Van Nuys Senior High. Russia 1450 1750 - 2015 Janet Pareja. After the act of Union in 1707 the king or queen is more correctly called the monarch of Great Britain. Bossy, John. Dec. 15, 2020. ... New crops brought back to England from new world. 1450. Africans start shipping directly from Africa to other countries. Make a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line with your selections [BINGO]. 4. Mercantilist policies and practices were used by European rulers to expand and control their economies and claim overseas territories. middle passage. Top 10 blogs in 2020 for remote teaching and learning; Dec. 11, 2020 The Tower was added on over the years with Henry VIII replacing the wooden walls with stone ones. Monarchs of England Timeline. Egbert : 802-839. POST CLASSICAL (1200-1450) EARLY MODERN (1450-1750) MODERN PERIOD (1750-1900) CONTEMPORARY PERIOD (1900-PRESENT) AP WORLD PEOPLE TO KNOW; RIP AP WORLD HISTORY. All the other kingdoms of Europe, as well as the Muslim Empires and China, practiced absolutism. Description: Slaves being captured by Portuguese to be shipped. Islamic Empires to 1600 Ottoman 1289-1923 Safavid Mughal 1526 - 1857 1501-1722 Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Slave Systems and Slave Trade Slave Systems in the Americas Labor/Economic System Encomienda System – American Feudalism Peninsulares get land and # of slaves/native laborers In exchange, must protect them and convert them ; Not “intended” to be slave system, but essentially was ; Attempts at reform Treatment horrific – Christian missionaries appealed … Though England was the emerging super-state in the medieval British Isles, its story is not the only one Britain can offer; there is a wider context of Britain in Europe, and the story of this period is one of how European Latin and French culture and ideals colonised the minds of all the British peoples. The era from 1450 CE to 1900 CE encompasses two periods in history. This map shows British, Dutch and Spanish shipping routes from 1750 to 1800. State Building in the Early Modern Era: BINGO Choice Board Essential Question: To what extent did rulers use a variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power in Early Modern empires from 1450 to 1750? Match. Built out of limestone rather than wood. How to increase brand awareness through consistency; Dec. 11, 2020. Manikongo Golden Stool. Aethelred I: 866-871. 1. Unit 4 - The Early Modern Era (1450-1750 - Themes & Debating the Character of an Era handout - While reading through the above, use various identifiers (highlighting, underlining, etc) to determine which portions of the reading pertain to each of the 3 themes. Monarch: Reign. In the 17th century, the spice trade was very competitive in Western Europe. on the profits of the spice trades. 1450-1750. Skyleeee. PLAY. Contents cknowledgmentsv A 1 About AP 4 AP Resources and Supports 6 Instructional Model 7 About the AP World History: Modern Course 7 College Course Equivalent 7 Prerequisites COURSE FRAMEWORK 11 Course Framework Components 13 Historical Thinking Skills and Reasoning Processes England and Scotland. Sub- Saharan Africa 1450-1750. BY DAVID ROSS, EDITOR. Renaissance. Russia - Empire Building 1450-1750 Nathan Roher. British Empire 1450-1750. includes. Vertical Divider. View SPICE CHART_ 1450 C.E. AP World History: Modern Key Takeaways — Period 1 (1200-1450). Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange Key Concept 4.2. Separated from Roman Catholic Church because Henry VIII wanted a divorce which he was not granted. benefiting from profitable trading (joint-stock companies) demand for slaves. Another wall was then built inside of this one, and the entire complex was surrounded by a moat. Early Modern Europe, 1450-1750: State, Society and Economy in the Ancien Régime D’Maris Coffman Field Exam List, 2005 (180 titles) Part One: The Master Narrative (=112 titles) I. Periodization: General Surveys of the Early Modern World (=20 titles) 1. The Caribbean quickly became the most important of the colonies because of the production of tobacco and sugar. The second period between 1750 and 1900 CE represents an era of Atlantic and Industrial Revolutions as well as the Age of Imperialism. History > Monarchs of England. Global Interactions: c.1450-c.1750. Gravity. 2. jonathan edwards . gullah. African Slave Trade 1450-1750. 1450-1750. a. 3. Merci!!! 1450 - 1750 Voyages of Exploration Trade with the East Colonies in America Commercial revolution . This list of kings and queens of the Kingdom of England begins with Alfred the Great, who initially ruled Wessex, one of the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms which later made up modern England. Seasonings such as cinnamon, ginger, cassia, and turmeric were important items of commerce from the earliest evolution of trade. The Columbian exchange occurred as a result of transoceanic travel (with environmental and demographic impacts) Global exchange of goods was fostered by transoceanic travel; Religion spread and reformed, fostered by contact between and within hemispheres The Columbian … The nature of warfare changed in profound and lasting ways in the period covered in this volume, in almost every arena: the weapons used, tactics deployed, strategies pursued, the scale and organization of land and sea forces, and the impact of warfare on states and societies. THE MING DYANSTY (Unfortunately, the French data is not shown.) Aethelberht: 860-866. Interregnum 1649 - 1660. Reading: The Columbian Exchange Social - In France, the social structure was *Church(Pope) *King (by hereditary) *Noblemen *knights *peasants -Education level could go far as doctors degree from a university -Paris (college) specialized in theology -France was an absolute monarchy -France When the British conquered new lands they attempted to Christianize the native peoples. 1450-1750 Early Modern Period. Vasco Da Gama1460-1539He introduced new ways for Portugal to trade by rounding the tip of Africa so that they could bypass the muslim traders. Both the Dutch and the English established trading companies, which later developed into trading empires, in South and Southeast Asia. Mrs. Osborn ’s ... England, and major Gunpowder Empires were the Ottoman, Ming and Qing China, the Mughal, Russia, Tokugawa, Songhay (Songhai), and Benin. 1450-1750 CE . Changes in Architecture: <-The Tower of London was created to intimidate enemies of the English. Oliver Cromwell 1653 - 1658. Athelstan : 925-939. Upon arrival, this begun the African slave trade that would last for many decades. Slave systems and slave trade - This was the big era for slave systems and slave trade, with the new European colonies in the Americas relying on slavery very heavily. British Empire 1450-1750 Development of Economic Systems The British Empire was a massive maritime power during the period from 1450-1750 and had set up numerous trading posts and slave labor sites across the Atlantic. Ch.23 Transoceanic Encounters Graphic Organizer. During this time period, 12 million slaves were traded with 10-11 million surviving the trip. Description: Slaves being captured by Portuguese to be shipped. Social hierarchies and identities changed; Imperial Expansion. Learn. Revolutionary gun ports inside boats so that more cannons could be mounted and didn't have to be shot above the top deck. BY DAVID ROSS, EDITOR. 1450 - 1750 The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) devastated the region and weakened the power of Holy Roman emperors. Bonney, Richard. ... Absolutist rulers benefited from the tendency for governments to centralize between 1450 and 1750 because it extended the power they had over their subjects. Monarch: Reign. It's been created from newly digitized logbooks of European ships during this period. From Florence to Westphalia, c. 1450-1648. Print; Main. Vertical Divider. You can word process charts or hand-draw them. The spread of religion, aided by the increase in trade, often acted as a unifying social force. Africans start shipping directly from Africa to other countries. Theme 1: Development and Transformation of SOCIAL Structures –Gender Roles and Relations –Family and Kinship –Racial and Ethnic Constructions –Social and Economic Classes – •World History requires analysis of the processes through which social categories, roles and practices were created, maintained and transformed. Although described as a Union of Crowns, until 1707 there were in fact two separate crowns resting on the same head. Islamic Empires to 1600 Ottoman 1289-1923 Safavid Mughal 1526 - 1857 1501-1722 3. Africa and Asia profitable for … Edward VI 1547 - 07/10/1553. american enlightenment . Technological innovations, strengthened political organization, and economic prosperity all contributed to this change that completely altered world trade patterns. In 1750 only England and the Netherlands had constitutional monarchies, governments that limited the powers of the king or ruler. British Empire 1450-1750. Write. The slave trade and the use trade such as the triangular trade were very common during this time-period due to the rise in plantations, causing a diverse region in South America. Vertical Divider. Slave Systems and Slave Trade Slave Systems in the Americas Labor/Economic System Encomienda System – American Feudalism Peninsulares get land and # of slaves/native laborers In exchange, must protect them and convert them ; Not “intended” to be slave system, but essentially was ; Attempts at reform Ch.23 Transoceanic Encounters Graphic Organizer. Prince Henry the Navigator1394-1460he established trade routes, spread christianity, created maps of the West African coast, and he founded the school of navigation. Technological innovations, strengthened political organization, and economic prosperity all contributed to this change that completely altered world trade patterns. 1450 – 1750 Janet Pareja, Signature School, Evansville, IN 2. AP Concept: 4.1 Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange Key Concepts. Blog. The slave trade was an important … Themes •The Five themes of AP World History serve as unifying threads through which you can examine broader themes throughout each period. Flashcards. We use the acronym S.P.I.C.E. Doan, Emily Period 6 AP World History 02/25/2019 SPICE CHART: 1450 - 1750 Alfred the Great: 871-899. India: the Mughal era: 1450 to 1750 CE. Aethelbald: 858-860. 2. 1450-1750 CE . ... William Shakespeare, was born in 1546 in England. WARFARE – 1450 to 1750. ...Comparing 600-1450 & 1450-1750 Periods of time have always been changing and evolving.The 600 to 1450 era had some similarities to the following era, the 1450 to the 1750; though as said before, there were the changes also.Many continuities and breaks occurred between both periods. HOUSE OF WESSEX. Peace of Westphalia (1648) took away nearly all power of HRE and affirmed the independence of small German states, Prussia becoming the strongest. The British Empire was a massive maritime power during the period from 1450-1750 and had set up numerous trading posts and slave labor sites across the Atlantic. England strengthened their economy by passing an act that made British colonies only able to trade withe British traders. Start shipping directly from Africa to other countries and did n't have be. Goods such as sugar, textiles, and cultural factors affected society from 1450 to 1750 Concept: 4.1 Networks! Other study tools with the money made from the earliest evolution of trade glorious empire! The voyages of Exploration trade with the East ( 1450-1750 ) Unit 3 4... Unifying threads through which you can examine broader themes throughout each period evolution. In 2020 for remote teaching and learning ; Dec. 11, 2020, 1450–1750,:... 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