Aerators; Accessories Rain Bird® XFS Sub-Surface Dripline with Copper Shield™ technology is the latest innovation in [...] More details. Drip irrigation. Rain Bird® XFS-CV Dripline with a heavy-duty 4.0 psi check valve for on-surface and sub-surface applications adds a valuable member to the Rain Bird XF Series of Dripline. Use an Air/Vacuum Relief Valve Kit when installation is below soil. Drip Control Zone Kits, Filters, Valves and Pressure Regulation; Dripline, Emitter Tubing, Fittings and Distribution Components; Drippers, Emitters and Low Volume Microsprays; Accessories and tools; Pumps and filtration; Lake management. 970 West Sierra Madre Ave Azusa, CA 91702 (877) 727-8772 toll-free. Free shipping on eligible orders of Xerigation dripper line fittings. XFS SUB-SURFACE DRIPLINE. Technical Support (800) Drip fittings by Rain Bird for home sprinklers and commercial irrigation applications. Designed to irrigate Ground Cover, Dense Plantings, Hedge Rows, Trees and More.Extra flexible tubing [...] More details. Rain Bird’s complete line of Twist Lock Fittings simplify the installation of all industry-standard ½", ¾" and 1" dripline and distribution tubing. ... Dripline Fittings. Dripline Fittings for Horticultural Dripline. XFS Dripline 17mm XF Insert Fittings XF Insertion Tool Reclaimed Water Zone Kit. Dairy Farm; Fixed Grid; Impact Sprinklers; Irripod Irrigation; K-Line Irrigation; Long Lateral; Pipe Fittings. They provide an even tighter seal on tubing by using high quality barbs and twist-locking nuts. Quality Irrigation Products for Agriculture at Bargain Prices Winter Sale – 10% Off Orders Over $50 or 15% Off Orders Over $500. XF Series Dripline Design, Installation and Maintenance Guide 3 Section 1 This guide covers the basics of design, installation, and maintenance for Rain Bird’s XF Series Dripline . Technical Support (800) RAINBIRD (800-724-6247) (Not for use on 16mm Driptape) Showing 1–20 of 24 results. Dripline Fittings; Dripper Fittings; Driptape Fittings; Garden Hose Fittings; Hose Clamps; Hose Fittings; Sprinkler Fittings; Pasture. Their unique barb design reduces insertion force while maintaining a secure fit. The XFS-CV is the most effective dripline in the industry and is ideal for areas where no other dripline will work. Discount does not apply to drip tape or lay flat hose. XF Series Dripline. Accepts Rain Bird Easy Fit Compression Fittings, XF Dripline Insert Fittings and 17mm insert fittings. Rain Bird 17mm Drip Line Fittings. Home / Drip Irrigation / Dripline Fittings Dripline Fittings. 970 West Sierra Madre Ave Azusa, CA 91702 (877) 727-8772 toll-free. Lowest prices on Rain Bird drip fittings. XFCV Dripline with Heavy-Duty Check Valve Rain Bird’s patent-pending check valve keeps the dripline charged in elevation changes to 2.4 m, [...] More details All of these fittings are selected to work properly on 5/8" dripline that we sell. Dripline, Emitter Tubing, Fittings and Distribution Components.