The war against Germany was fought by an overpowering world coalition in which only a part of the states could have a direct interest in Germany’s destruction. English translation: Hitler's Secret Book, New York, 1961, pp. The Zweites Buch was not published in 1928. Sources: Hitlers Zweites Buch – Ein Dokument aus dem Jahr 1928 , Stuttgart, 1961. The Zweites Buch (pronounced [ˈtsvaɪ̯təs buːχ], "Second Book"), unofficially published in English as Hitler's Secret Book and then officially Hitler's Second Book,[1] is an unedited transcript of Adolf Hitler's thoughts on foreign policy written in 1928; it was written after Mein Kampf and was not published in his lifetime. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Zweites Buch (Secret Book) Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Hitler's 2nd Book - Zweites Buch. Zweites Buch is an unedited transcript of Adolf Hitler's thoughts on foreign policy written in 1928, it was written after Mein Kampf and was not published in his lifetime. The Zweites Buch (pronounced [ˈtsvaɪ̯təs buːχ], "Second Book"), published in English as unofficially Hitler's Secret Book and then officially Hitler's Second Book, is an unedited transcript of Adolf Hitler's thoughts on foreign policy written in 1928; it was written after Mein Kampf and … The Zweites Buch (pronounced [ˈtsvaɪ̯təs buːχ], "Second Book"), published in English as unofficially Hitler's Secret Book and then officially Hitler's Second Book, is an unedited transcript of Adolf Hitler's thoughts on foreign policy written in 1928; it was written after Mein Kampf and was not published in his lifetime. Now, these historical documents give an insight into the mind (and intentions) of one of the most famous political figures of Such were the words of Adolf Hitler in his untitled,unpublished, and long suppressed second work written only a few years after the publication of Mein Kampf. Zweites Buch Adolf Hitler s Secret Book Book Description : Adolf Hitler's Sequel to Mein Kampf "Politics is history in the making." Hitler's 2nd Book - Zweites Buch. Hitler and The Jewish Question - from Zweites Buch. Moderator: Moderator. Zweites Buch, 1 Excerpted from “War and Peace,” Chapter 1 of Hitler’s Second Book. 212-215; Yad Vashem Lamprecht Valuable asset Posts: 2174 Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:32 pm. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Forum rules Be sure to read the Rules/guidelines before you post! Hitlers Zweites Buch ( Book II of Hitler) is a book generally attributed to Adolf Hitler where it deepens much of the subjects mentioned in Mein Kampf , in particular his theory on the Lebensraum or ‘vital space’ that had to occupy Germany to the detriment of the towns Which he considered to be weaker.. Home Search Foreword Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Search Zweites Buch (Secret book) Adolf Hitler's Sequel to Mein Kampf "Politics is history in the making." All aspects including lead-in to hostilities and results.