It begins by bringing you all over Kamurocho, thus familiarizing you with the layout. The purpose of this guide is to explain how to complete the 100 substories and ways to raise all of the friendship gauges found in Yakuza 0 in the best possible way. ├ Bonds Guide ├ Battle Side Quest ├ Battle Side Quest ├ Koichi Adachi ├ Movie Theater Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Gameplay. ├ Best Armor This is the nearest substory marker you'll immediately see at the start of Chapter 4. ", "Learn more about business management and how to increase your stock prize rank! ├ Confidence Guide ├ How to Get Pocket Tissues ├ 25 A Fading Star Outside the Don Quijote is a conspicuous line of people. #49 - From the Heart. ├ Passion Guide Chapter 5: The Liumang Man is the fifth chapter in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. ├ Armor ├ Find My Cat Side Quest ├ 02 Who’s That Sujimon They discuss the difficult of the ability to create a soapland in Japan's current environment. Select “Movie theater” to gain +10 Style. └ Style Guide Chapter 5 substories yakuza 0. ■ Chapter 12 Substories ├ Ryo Aoki (Masato Arakawa) ├ Best Employees ├ 07 Baby Don’t Cry Three more happen during Chapter 4. ├ Cabaret Club The Game Awards 2020 Nominates Yakuza: Like a Dragon for Best RPG! A Matter of Life or Death 4. Yakuza 0 is set in Japan's bubble era, a period of extremely high property prices in Japan during the second half of the 1980s.The game's two principal locations are Kamurocho, Tokyo, and Sotenbori, Osaka.Based in these two districts are the two protagonists Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima respectively.. Story Summary Ch. Chapter 5 Substories ├ 11 Certified Underdogs ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero ├ 13 Nowhere to Go But Up ├ 15 Ijincho’s Safety Net ├ 16 The Crawfish Caper ├ 17 A Love Worth Fighting For ├ 18 Home Run Heroism └ 19 Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble Chapter 7 Substories ├ 20 Tables for One ├ 21 Dumpster of Demise ├ Chapter 11: The Odds ├ 05 A Trip to Pound Town ├ Karaoke ■ Chapter 12 Substories ■ All Walkthroughs, ■ Chapter 3 Substories Included are conditions to unlock the side quest, objectives, locations, obtainable items, enemies, and rewards. ├ Bond Skills Chapter 5 Substories ├ 11 Certified Underdogs ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero ├ 13 Nowhere to Go But Up ├ 15 Ijincho’s Safety Net ├ 16 The Crawfish Caper ├ 17 A Love Worth Fighting For ├ 18 Home Run Heroism └ 19 Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble Chapter 7 Substories ├ 20 Tables for One ├ … ├ 14 Something Worth Protecting ├ 11 Certified Underdogs └ 52 The Lone Survivor ■ Male-specific Jobs ├ Game Trailers You start playing as Majima in Chapter 3 and start getting his side stories then as well. ├ Coming Soon ├ Shogi Below we have listed all the Substories in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, chapter-wise. ├ UFO Catcher ├ How to Get Eggs ├ 43 The Data Drifter └ Game Trailers ├ 34 Bros Till the End All rights reserved. This Yakuza 0 Substories Guide – Kazuma Kiryu focuses on the main characters Substories and side quests and provides information pertaining to the location and any other … SEGA, the SEGA logo, YAKUZA and LIKE A DRAGON are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA CORPORATION. ├ How to Get Pocket Tissues ├ How to Get Amulet of Kishimojin ├ Host The next one happens at the beginning of Chapter 3. ■ All Mini Games, ■ Equipment Yakuza: Like a Dragon Chapter 5 Substories. All of these substories will only become available after Kiryu returns to his apartment for the night as part of the story. └ Devil Rocker (DLC) These Substories can be found in many different streets and alleys. ├ Joon-gi Han ├ 38 Ringleader Roundup: Tiger Takeover Substories are additional stories found during the course of Yakuza 6: Song of Life. ■ Part-Time Hero Side Quests ├ Bonds Guide All rights reserved. ├ 42 The Rocket Girls But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Take a few steps … It begins by bringing you all over Kamurocho, thus … └ Paper, Please Support Quests This feature is not available right now. └ Accessories ├ UFO Catcher ├ 15 Ijincho’s Safety Net Head to the substory marker near the river to trigger a cutscene between a homeless man and a kid. ├ Intellect Guide ├ 29 The Michio Minefield To activate a mission, you need to find it on the map and interact with the right person. share. └ Devil Rocker (DLC) ├ Chef ├ Reiji Ishioda :: Yakuza 0 General Discussions. Yakuza 0 - Can I play the sub-stories after finishing the game? ■ Chapter 10 Substories ├ Kazuma Kiryu ├ Chapter 7: The Spider’s Web ├ 26 The Masked Murderer ├ 50 Pillow Chat Yakuza Like a Dragon has 52 Substories (Side Quests). ■ Useful Guides ├ All Vocational Exam Answers Substories are extra side quests you can participate in throughout the game for various rewards. ├ 20 Tables for One ├ Chapter 5: The Liumang Man └ 39 Ringleader Roundup: Chimp Calamity ├ 26 The Masked Murderer ■ All Database Guides. ├ Poundmates Guide The next substory marker will be in the W Central St. Use a cab to reach the location easily. ├ Chapter 3: The Town at Rock Bottom ", "See the best employees to recruit for the business management mini game and their locations! ├ Karaoke ■ Personality Stat Guides ├ 31 Like Father, Like Son On the menu today : Friendships & Telephone Club dates, some karaoke on said dates, a bit of disco dancing and the … 4 comments. This guide will help you navigate through the … ├ Cabaret Club Chapter 5 Substories ├ 11 Certified Underdogs ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero ├ 13 Nowhere to Go But Up ├ 15 Ijincho’s Safety Net ├ 16 The Crawfish Caper ├ 17 A Love Worth Fighting For ├ 18 Home Run Heroism └ 19 Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble Chapter 7 Substories ├ 20 Tables for One ├ 21 Dumpster of Demise └ Clerk ├ Gardening Guide ├ Hostess ├ 10 Fast Times at Ounabara ├ 05 A Trip to Pound Town The following is a list of substories for the game Yakuza 0. └ Game Trailers ├ Trophies ■ Chapter 5 Substories └ Batting Center ├ All Drink Links Answers ├ Foreman ├ Final Millennium Tower Guide Yakuza 0 was originally released in Japan on March 12, 2015. ├ Game Editions Chapter 5: An Honest Living. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Chapter 5 Substories These substories become available once you have your first Clan Creator battle. ├ Hostess 2. Talk to Igari outside the school then you will have to fight some businessmen. ├ Beginner’s Guide Wolf Knight Chapter 3 Substories Yakuza 0 ... Substories Chapter 3 Substories. ├ Chapter 6: Ignition Most of these are available from the beginning of the chapter. ├ Best Job Skills This website uses cookies to improve your experience. ├ 42 The Rocket Girls ├ Foreman ├ 09 Persimmon Premonition ├ All Vocational Exam Answers This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. ├ Joon-Gi Han ├ 21 Dumpster of Demise └ Missing Person Side Quest Yakuza 0 best time to start doing substories? ├ Game Editions When It All Goes Wrong 6. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. November 17, 2020 Wolf Knight Yakuza: Like a Dragon 0. ├ Best Job Skills ├ Ichiban Kasuga ├ 18 Home Run Heroism ■ Female-specific Jobs 0. ├ 06 It’s the Thought That Counts ├ 25 A Fading Star ├ Poundmates Guide ├ Best Weapons ", "Check out the best job classes for your party members, including their requirements!". ■ Items ├ Idol As with all of the Yakuza games, the Substories in Yakuza 5 are a fantastic way of exploring more of the game world. ├ Prize Collection Side Quest ├ Final Millennium Tower Guide ├ Musician ├ Trophies 52: You won't be able to finish increasing your relationship with Emiri until Chapter 5. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Yakuza 0 Goro Majima Substories Guide We will break these up into chapters because that seems to be how they unlock. I was so hooked at the end and then Kiryu just takes Nishiki’s car and leaves him alone in the woods god knows how far from civilization. ├ 47 Girl of my Dreams ├ Musician Task Description Buy from 5 times Buy items from Dream Machines 5 times. ├ 28 Tour Guide Turmoil Yakuza 0 Goro Majima Substories Guide We will break these up into chapters because that seems to be how they unlock. ├ 45 One Hell of a Racer The following is IGN's guide to the substory Technique to Die For in Yakuza 0. © SEGA. └ Chapter 15: To the Pinnacle ├ Armor SEGA, the SEGA logo, YAKUZA and LIKE A DRAGON are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA CORPORATION. ├ Golf ├ 37 Ringleader Roundup: Bear Blues ├ Chapter 12: The End of the Yakuza ├ 13 Nowhere to Go But Up SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 31-35: These substories are triggered through the Telephone Club minigame. You start playing as Majima in Chapter 3 … └ All Girlfriend Events └ Matriarch (DLC) ■ Chapter 4 Substories ├ 17 A Love Worth Fighting For In order to unlock the substories in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, you must progress to Chapter 3 – The Town at Rock Bottom of the main story. ■ Collectible Guides ├ Saeko Mukouda ├ 46 The World is my Racetrack This guide will help … Lamb in the Lion’s Den 10. └ Worldwide release date scheduled on November 10, 2020! ├ Game Difficulty └ Missing Person Side Quest ├ Chapter 10: Justice Tempted By Mercy ├ Chef Next: Chapter 5 Substories CyricZ started writing to get all the thoughts in his head about video games onto paper and it got out of hand. Most of them are available once you get Kiryu's new suit, though. ├ How to Get Amulet of Kishimojin ├ Insect Collection Side Quest Select “Clothes” to gain +10 Style. ├ Adventure Side Quest ├ Enforcer Excuse my bad English. Home Yakuza: Like a Dragon Chapter 5: A Love Worth Fighting For Substory Walkthrough Yakuza: Like a Dragon - Chapter 5: A Love Worth Fighting For Substory Walkthrough . ├ Chapter 7: The Spider’s Web ├ Ichiban Kasuga ├ 50 Pillow Chat The following substories become available after returning home when it has become daytime. ├ Joon-gi Han My Baby's A Showgirl. ■ Main Storyline Walkthroughs So I went and did various amount of things (bowling, doing substories and pocket racing) but it still says I haven't waited long enough for him to finish cleaning the apartment, is this a bug? ├ Best Armor After being introduced to Money Island, go to this location. ■ Personality Stat Guides As with all of the Yakuza games, the Substories in Yakuza 5 are a fantastic way of exploring more of the game world. Requirements: Chapter 6. ├ Trophies ├ Freelancer A complete walkthrough for Substory 17 - A Love Worth Fighting For in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. ■ All Bosses, ■ Characters ├ Barmaid ├ All Honk-Honk Locations ├ 37 Ringleader Roundup: Bear Blues A couple will be available later, and I'll let you know which in their sections. I'm in Chapter 3 following only the main story of Yakuza 0 and I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the sub-stories once the main story is over. ■ Chapter 15 Substories ├ How to Get Eggs Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. ├ Weapons ■ Chapter 5 Substories ├ Kazuma Kiryu ├ Chapter 1: Light and Shadow Chapter 6 Substories Yakuza 0 ... Substories Chapter 6 Substories. ├ Fortuneteller ├ Human Power Stats ├ Sub-Stories ├ Extreme Skills Chapter 5 Substories ├ 11 Certified Underdogs ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero ├ 13 Nowhere to Go But Up ├ 15 Ijincho’s Safety Net ├ 16 The Crawfish Caper ├ 17 A Love Worth Fighting For ├ 18 Home Run Heroism └ 19 Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble Chapter 7 Substories ├ 20 Tables for One ├ 21 Dumpster of Demise ├ Golf ■ Male-specific Jobs └ 33 The Traffic Census Sensei ├ 51 The Real Me You'll see a guy standing around outside. ├ Kappture the Kappa Side Quest ├ 40 Welcome to Dragon Kart ├ Bond Skills ├ 28 Tour Guide Turmoil ■ All Substories, ■ Part-Time Hero Side Quests Awakened and Unleashed ■ All Bosses, ■ Characters Please try again later. You’ll start off in Serena. While the substory simply requires you to win two battle encounters, it consists of multiple story events which may take time to advance and clear. ├ Dragon Kart ├ Yosuke Tendo ├ Detective ├ Chapter 13: Coin Locker Baby ├ Chapter 4: The Dragon of Yokohama └ Post-Game Unlockables It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. ■ Chapter 7 Substories ├ Can Quest ├ 23 Warmest of Wishes ├ 41 Two-headed Bomb ├ Adventure Side Quest New Allies, New Foes 3. ├ Breaker ├ 47 Girl of my Dreams ├ Kindness Guide ├ Techniques └ Status Effects ├ Yu Nanba ", "Check out the best job classes for your party members, including their requirements! ├ Vocational School ■ Others Chapter 5: Purgatory You’ll start off in Serena. Substories (Arranged in the order they can be tackled) 16: The Crawfish Caper (Adds Nancy to the Poundmates app) 4 comments. ", Substory 12: How to Be a Part-time Hero →. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. ├ 22 An Act of Kindness SPOILERS: YAKUZA 0 spoiler What an emotional chapter! Substories unlock throughout Yakuza: Like a Dragon's main story progression, with a handful being revealed on the map with a speech bubble icon on chapters 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 15. November 17, 2020 1. ├ 03 A Golden Opportunity ├ 51 The Real Me └ 36 Whispers of the Underworld 1 Kazuma Kiryu 2 Taiga Saejima 3 Haruka Sawamura 4 Shun Akiyama 5 Tatsuo Shinada All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. ├ All Sujimon Locations We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Yakuza Kiwami Chapter 5: Purgatory. ├ Chapter 11: The Odds ├ 01 A Can-Do Attitude ├ Idol ├ Jo Sawashiro Another six open up at the end of Chapter 2, once the day becomes evening. ■ Female-specific Jobs Completing all of them unlocks the Stories of the Streets trophy or achievement. Go to the soup kitchen at Tsurukame Bridge. └ Shin Amon ├ Gangster ■ Items Ersatz Ifrit Ikari will join the Ichiban Confectionery. This rival race is available in Chapter 4, after defeating Naoki and Hamanoumi in the Cerberus Cup (Dragon Kart Grand Prix). For information regarding the other trophies in the game, refer to the main trophy guide linked below. ├ The Game Awards 2020 Nominates Yakuza: Like a Dragon for Best RPG! ├ Techniques ├ Best Parties We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. ■ Abilities ├ Extreme Skills ├ Chapter 9: House of Cards Chapter 3 Substories. ├ Game Center Kiryu Substory #2 - Arakure Quest (Chapter 2) This Yakuza 0 substory, available early in the game, is a wonderful example of how such quests complement the main story in Yakuza games. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ├ Business Management #10 - Sugar Daddy. Setting. ├ Game Controls ├ All Drink Links Answers ├ Beginner’s Guide Outside Japan, Yakuza 5 on PlayStation 3 was a digital-only release. 1 Plot 2 Objectives 3 Related trophies 4 Gallery This chapter begins outside a funeral home where they are talking about the death of Nonomiya. Nostalgic for the 80s 2. ├ Find My Cat Side Quest ├ Goro Majima and Taiga Saejima ■ All Jobs, ■ Getting Started ├ Part-time Hero ├ Movie Theater 1. To start this substory, go to Hamakita Park the white marker on the map. This guide will walk you through all Substories (side quests) in the game. ├ Shareholder Meeting In this part, we focus on the standard substories. ", "Learn more about business management and how to increase your stock prize rank! └ 19 Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble Leave the area and return to the soup kitchen for a cutscene. └ Coming Soon ├ Homeless Guy An eleventh one appears as a result of doing some taxi race missions. ├ 09 Persimmon Premonition 0:01 - Chapter 05 Substories - 40 - The Joys of Adulthood 2:42 - Raise Hatakeyama to lv.3 (keep drinking with him) 3:24 - Score good on Karaoke to stimulate another drinking budy Gen ■ All Strategy Guides, ■ Mini-Games Yakuza 0 features a unique side quest system in the form of Substories. └ Style Guide Chapter 5 Substories ├ 11 Certified Underdogs ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero ├ 13 Nowhere to Go But Up ├ 15 Ijincho’s Safety Net ├ 16 The Crawfish Caper ├ 17 A Love Worth Fighting For ├ 18 Home Run Heroism └ 19 Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble Chapter 7 Substories ├ 20 Tables for One ├ … ├ 49 Certified Lover Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. ■ Abilities ├ Chapter 4: The Dragon of Yokohama ├ 23 Warmest of Wishes ├ Jo Sawashiro ├ 29 The Michio Minefield ├ Dealer ■ Chapter 10 Substories └ Delivery Help Backups These are the achievement obtained for normal story progression which are unmissable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. ├ Goro Majima and Taiga Saejima He takes the job, but can't go through with it when he realizes his target is … Time to Say Goodbye 5. ├ Intellect Guide Should I be worried? ├ Best Employees └ 33 The Traffic Census Sensei These substories are available after rescuing Zhao in Chapter 10. November 17, 2020 The following is IGN's guide to the substory Damned Yanki in Yakuza 0. There are many more than 10 substories in the game, but here, I discuss 10 of my favorite. ■ Chapter 15 Substories ├ Part-time Hero ├ Tianyou Zhao ├ Eri Kamataki ├ 32 Forget Me Not ├ Chapter 9: House of Cards ├ 48 Shared Vision └ 27 The Miracle of Spice The perseverance Kiryu displays then paints a clear picture of his personality. ├ 48 Shared Vision ├ Chapter 13: Coin Locker Baby This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is the very first substory that you'll do and it will be triggered automatically as part of the story early in Chapter 3. Yakuza: Like a Dragon ■ All Characters, ■ Character-specific Jobs Dejected Loser of a Terrible Company This substory is available after you complete 10 tests and unlock Company Management through substory 15. └ Batting Center Just outside of Le Marche is a man sniffling over not being able to buy something. … ├ 16 The Crawfish Caper Get close to him. ├ Darts ├ Tianyou Zhao The Game Awards 2020 Nominates Yakuza: Like a Dragon for Best RPG! ├ Coming Soon ├ 06 It’s the Thought That Counts ├ Chapter 5: The Liumang Man ├ Detective ├ Hero 1 - Bound by Oath ├ Money Farming Guide Sep 19, 2018 @ 12:18am Substories list question Anyone know of an online list of the substories that ISNT sorted by chapter they first appear in? But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. ├ 35 Preparing to Suck ├ Weapons Another occurs during Chapter 3 as part of the story. Chapter 15 has a lot of Substories to it, mainly based around the game's romance system. Your basic attacks will do 0 damage, and he will also do 0 damage to you as well. ├ 20 Tables for One ├ Job Change Guide ├ Dragon Kart It is a prequel of the Yakuza (series). ├ 22 An Act of Kindness ├ 08 Old Cinema Paradiso ├ Money Farming Guide ├ Kappture the Kappa Side Quest Kiryu's Substories Yakuza 5 ... Four of Kiryu's substories open at the beginning of Chapter 2. ├ Chapter 12: The End of the Yakuza ├ Gangster ├ Enforcer What chapter is best to start? ├ Job System ├ Best Jobs It was released in North America on January 24, 2017. Some substories will be unlocked automatically as the story progress while others need to be prompted by going to the substory’s starting location. This guide will help you navigate through the … These cookies do not store any personal information. ├ Darts └ 44 Biker Blitz ├ Chapter 2: Bloody Reunion ├ Jobs Notable Reward(s): Unlocks Can Quest mini-game. Yakuza 0 was originally released in Japan on March 12, 2015. 0. └ Post-Game Unlockables Chapter 5 Substories ├ 11 Certified Underdogs ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero ├ 13 Nowhere to Go But Up ├ 15 Ijincho’s Safety Net ├ 16 The Crawfish Caper ├ 17 A Love Worth Fighting For ├ 18 Home Run Heroism └ 19 Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble Chapter 7 Substories ├ 20 Tables for One ├ … ■ All Characters, ■ Character-specific Jobs ├ 18 Home Run Heroism Or, failing that, a convincing forgery. ■ Latest News and Updates ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero Head to the Hotel District, north of the Batting Center. ├ Leveling Guide You’ll receive a phone call from Yuya in Chapter 6. "Learn more about business management and … ├ 12 How to be a Part-Time Hero ├ All Honk-Honk Locations ├ Chapter 2: Bloody Reunion Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Yakuza 0 on the Playstation 4, with a game help system for those that are stuck └ Worldwide release date scheduled on November 10, 2020! Yakuza: Like a Dragon Chapter 5: The Liumang Man. ├ Koichi Adachi ├ Game Editions └ Coming Soon ■ Main Storyline Walkthroughs I'm doing chapter 5 and i'm at the part where you wait for the client to clean his apartment after you beat up the yakuza defending the squater. Approach him and he'll tell you to find him a heart necklace. There are 100 substories for this game. ├ Night Queen You'll see a guy hiding behind a pole. └ Side Characters I … ├ Vocational School └ Delivery Help Backups Welcome to the Animal Circus 1. Guide; 4 Comments; Introduction. ├ Chapter 3: The Town at Rock Bottom ├ Yu Nanba ├ Dealer ├ Confidence Guide ├ Reiji Ishioda and Nanba Kiryu tries to go past him, but the man tells him to stop - … Chapter 5: The Liumang Man is the fifth chapter in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Return to the Vocational School for another cutscene. ├ Sub-Stories ├ Reiji Ishioda "View all the best weapons for each job class, including their stats, attributtes, and upgrades! Pretty long chapter but not as long as Chapter 2 or 3, so it'll be a two-parter. ├ Chapter 6: Ignition Each job class, including their requirements! `` head back to Hotel. Be stored in your browser only with your consent registered in the game Awards 2020 Nominates Yakuza Like! Chapter but not as long as chapter 2 Substories can quest mini-game chapter appearance order category only cookies! Streets trophy or achievement: these Substories are available after Kiryu returns to his for... 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