Many polymers can be ⦠BBC Bitesize - The periodic table . Detailed revision notes on the topic Experiment: Finding Formulae of Compounds. Start studying bbc bitesize Ionic compounds. GCSE Chemistry - GCSE Revision Buddy. These polymers are formed either by the process of addition polymerization or condensation polymerization. Polymers make up many of the materials in living organisms, and they constitute the basis of certain minerals and human-made materials, such as paper and plastics. Open Learn - Introduction to polymers. The identity and amount of the reagent used to crosslink the polymer chains. Figure: 5 Example of a homologous series of alkanes with structure of CnH2n+2, Ivy Rose, (n.d) 2.4, 2.5 â As alkanes are saturate hydrocarbons, they are deemed unreactive due to containing single bonds such as C-H and C-C bonds which are quiet strong and difficult to break due to the strong intermolecular force. Cross linking.. Chain Length.. A polymer molecule is a long chain of (mainly carbon) atoms. Naturally occurring miscellaneous polymers, like, for instance, shellac, a resin secreted by the lac insect. KS3 Polymers for the new national curriculum. It can also be prepared by ring-opening polymerization of lactide [âC(CH 3)HC(=O)Oâ] 2, the cyclic dimer of the basic repeating unit. Food Technology Vitamin loss during cooking (through heat and water). Chain length.2. BBC Bitesize â Designer polymers. Other articles where Linear polymer is discussed: man-made fibre: Linear, branched, and network polymers: â¦a polymer with a simple linear structure is formed. Structure Like alkenes and alkanes, ethanol is another type of organic (carbon-based) compound. new aqa science gcse chemistry revision guide Oct 25, 2020 Posted By Robin Cook Publishing TEXT ID 245f87a2 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library edition higher perfect revision for mocks and exams in 2021 and 2022 cgp gcse chemistry 9 1 revision by cgp books ⦠The temperature and pressure at which the polymerization occurs Each polymer molecule is a long chain of (mainly carbon) atoms. Polylactic acid, or polylactide (PLA) is a thermoplastic polyester with backbone formula (C 3 H 4 O 2) n or [âC(CH 3)HC(=O)Oâ] n, formally obtained by condensation of lactic acid C(CH 3)(OH)HCOOH with loss of water (hence its name). O2. Easily access all the resources you need within Revisio - direct links to exam board specifications, past papers and top quality resources from BBC Bitesize. Polymers are encountered in everyday life and are used for many purposes! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. GCSE Science resources, videos, web links and workbooks for GCSE Chemistry revision & homework help. This is a complex crosslinked polyester of 9,10,16-trihydroxy-exadecanoic acid (aleuritic acid). The reagent used to initiate the polymerization reaction. Crystallinity.4. Polymer, any of a class of natural or synthetic substances composed of very large molecules that are multiples of simpler chemical units. How the loss can be prevented. Title: Thermosetting plastics Created Date: 10/7/2006 1:42:28 PM Products from Oil. The structure and chemical composition of the polymer chain determines the physical properties of the material. mer (pÅlâ²É-mÉr) n. Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule. Addition polymers are formed by the joining together of many monomers that contain C=C bonds. Polymers are chains made of monomer subunits. The chemical name for Vitamin C. Food storage, food hygiene and cross contamination Functions of starchy carbohydrates in the body Healthy Eating guidelines and meal planning for young children exprart Heat transfer methods (conduction, convection and radiation) Polymers are made from many smaller molecules, called monomers. In-text: (BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Structure and properties of polymers - higher, 2014) Your Bibliography: The researchers have developed a novel technique that allows them to tag the creatures without the need for risky continual adjustments. 12. All alcohol molecules possess at least one C-OH group, which is known as the functional group (gives the compound its properties). A shape memory polymer can change from a temporary shape that is achieved by deforming it, to a previous shape which is its permanent shape when it is not being deformed. What are the Properties of Polymers?. One of the bonds in each C=C breaks and forms a bond with the adjacent monomer. Polymers - Polymers - AQA - GCSE Design and Technology ... A popular polymer to use in schools is acrylic. The following variables can be controlled when producing a polymer. These monomers (the starting materials) are often alkenes. Start studying bbc bitesize Polymers. BBC Bitesize - GCSE Chemistry - Products and effects of combustion - Activity From www .bbc .co .uk - April 25, 2015 11:35 AM A secondary school revision resource for Edexcel GCSE Science about products and effects of combustion Click on the resources below. BBC Bitesize- What is the periodic table? Essential Chemistry Industry Online - Polymers, an overview. Polymers C2 Quick all you need to know styled mindmap with the most useful information from BBC Bitesize, Collins AQA revision guide and some other notes... 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Properties of Polymers . Producer PHILIP ASHBY A BBC/Open University production 1.45 Pages from Ceefax 2.0 Scene Football Fans Abroad What are some items made from polymeric materials that you frequently use? The monomer polymerized or the monomers copolymerized. ... Recall that polymers are made from small molecules called monomers joined together in very long chains. Ethanol is a two-carbon length alcohol. Recognise that the use of polymers are related to their properties. BBC Bitesize - Atoms. 2014. Aromatics, Amines, Amino Acids,Polymers. Amines; Amino acids; Aromatic organic compounds; Phenols [Greek polumerÄs, consisting of many parts : polu-, poly- + meros, part; see (s)mer- in Indo-European roots.] The tagging of seahorses is a delicate process because they have rigid bodies, prehensile tails and small fins. This can be heated and bent using a line bender and, as it is a thermoforming polymer, it can then be reheated and reshaped. The structure also includes some unsaturated long chain unsaturated aliphatic ⦠Open Access Polymer Science Journal - use key words specific to the question and ⦠Polymers are extensively found in nature. Medical applications range from important day-to-day products such as latex gloves, bandages, and tubing, to applications as advanced as self-tying sutures, implantable medical devices, and artificial joints. Polymers are very large molecules (sometimes called macromolecules). The properties of a polymer can be changed in a number of ways.. 1. Gelfand Centre - What is a polymer? Study 6 5.2 BBC - GCSE Bitesize - Polymers flashcards from Arthur T. on StudyBlue. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A polymer is a molecule, made from joining together many small molecules called monomers.The word "polymer" can be broken down into "poly" (meaning "many" in Greek) and "mer" (meaning "unit"). 18.00: Bad Blood Riding the Iron Horse - a roaring, full-throated Harley Davidson - across the open prairie is an American dream. Naturally Occurring Molecules from plants and animals. In some polymers shorter chains grow off the long chain at certain intervals, so that a branched structure is formed. Shape memory polymers are polymer materials that you can deform and then by applying a stimulus, such as heat or light, will return to its previous shape. Polymers 9 Q56-58 2.3.2 BBC Bitesize The uses of polymers Giant Covalent Structures 10 Q45 Properties of covalent compounds Properties of metals and alloys Q45 BBC Bitesize The properties and uses of metals Metals as sonductors Q46-49 Diamond Q60-61 Structure of diamond and graphite Graphite 11 Q62 BBC Bitesize Properties and structure of graphite In other polymers the branches become numerous and cross-link to other polymer chains, thus forming a network structure. Get ready for your exams Easily find curriculum specific exam paper questions as well as full past papers Small Molecules like glucose ==> Natural Polymers = Macromolecules like starch Carbohydrates (this page), Proteins and Oils & Fats are the main nutrient constituents of food. A BBC/Open University production 1.20 Polymer Engineering Manufacturing with Polymers Modern plastics have a surprising effect on product design, as the experience of an electronics manufacturer shows - and there's an intriguing insidestory. Written by teachers for the Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry course. A monomer is a repeating chemical unit. Higher and lower power points and lesson plans with resources for each. Head Master's Welcome; Happy Christmas from King's; Vision and Values; The School History; Staff; Policies; Ofsted; Governance; Statutory Information The Cellulose is another natural polymer which is a main structural component of the plants. Here is an example. Fifty thousand leather-clad bikers make romance come true as they converge, from all over the States and beyond, on Sturgis, a sleepy farming town in South Dakota. BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Structure And Properties Of Polymers - Higher . Home; About Us. Plasticizers.. 3. The polymer formed contains only carbon carbon single bonds. Our body too is made up of many natural polymers like nucleic acids, proteins, etc. Polymers are used in scores of industries for countless beneficial purposes, but no advances in polymer science are more striking than those in modern medicine. The properties of a polymer (or any other material) include strength, stiffness, hardness, density and melting point..