You'll probably want to choose a wire color that will help the lights to blend with the natural look of the tree during daylight. Free delivery. Cool white offers a bluish glow, and colored lights are either multicolored or one color. Lisa Hallett Taylor is a writer and editor with 12+ years experience covering architecture, landscape design, and do-it-yourself projects. Begin rolling the ball with the female plug end, so that the male plug will be on the outside of the ball. Cover roots of newly planted trees and shrubs with 3 to 4 inches of shredded wood mulch. Wrap the light string into a ball and begin unraveling as you move up the trunk. Wind the resulting long string around a flat piece of cardboard. Use the Right Extension Cord Gauge for the Job, 10 Festive Outdoor Christmas Lights Displays for Your Yard, 5 Easy Ways to Make Plants Pop in Your Christmas Decor Scheme, The 7 Best Indoor Christmas Lights of 2020, 9 Over-the-Top Christmas Trees From Instagram & Pinterest Are Just What We Need, The 9 Best Artificial Christmas Trees of 2020, 16 Outdoor Lighting Designs to Brighten Your Night Life, How to Avoid Overloaded Circuits With Christmas Lights, 14 Christmas Tree Alternatives for the Holiday Season, 10 Festive Outdoor Christmas Light Ideas for Your Yard. Extend an outdoor-rated extension cord to the base of the tree. You can hold the ball in one hand while guiding the wrapping with your other hand. For illustrative purposes, let's say that the trunk is 5 feet in length, with a 3-foot circumference. Wrap fairly tightly, making each wrap a snug fit. To ensure protection, plug the cord into a GFCI outlet or use a GFCI-protected outdoor cord. To avoid putting nails into your tree, have a few zip ties available for installation. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Now you can select the branches you want to wrap and make the same calculations for the length you want to wrap for each branch. You can simply tuck the end into a crook of branches to keep it from coming loose, or you can tie the string to the tree with a piece of natural twine or planting tape. Once wrap the tree’s trunk all the way to the bottom-most branhces cut the wrap. When wrapping, overlap each layer by one-third to one-half inch, and take care not to wrap the trunk too tightly. Begin wrapping the lights around the tree's trunk, moving upward with each winding. All rights reserved. The first step, of course, is to choose the lights you'll be using. Use your reference marks to maintain symmetry in spacing. Take care not to remove any healthy bark and expose more live tissue than necessary. LEDs are not only 75 percent more energy efficient than standard incandescent bulbs, they also last many times longer. "line No, wrapping the trunk of a tree with paper tree-wrap makes matters worse, and that's been proven in studies conducted by the University of Minnesota School of Horticulture. If desired, you can wrap the cord around the base of the tree to secure it. Protective Tree Wrapping Model# 5231PV $ 5 48 $ 5 48. It's important to do this before hanging the lights, especially if you won't have the lights on while you work. A. Wrap a tree or shrub. Wholesale accounts do not qualifty for free shipping. Draw the lines with a permanent marker and use a pair of tin snips to cut through the sheet metal. Place the tree wrap at the base of the tree and hold it … When you reach the end of the limb, reverse direction and wind the string back down, winding between the upward wraps so that the resulting spacing is one hand width. Wind the wrap upward on the tree by walking around the tree in a circular motion. And a tree that is wrapped only partway up its trunk simply does not look festive or complete. Cut a piece of sheet metal about 2 to 3 feet wide and 6 to 8 inches longer than the trunk circumference. Wrap it around the tree's trunk in a cylinder shape and bury it about 2 inches in the soil to hold it in place and help keep out rodents. Connect the edges of the fencing material with wire and keep it closed. Remove any dead, diseased, or damaged branches; Water the tree or shrub thoroughly (before ground has frozen) Add a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch around the base after watering; Leave a gap of 4-6 inches between the mulch and the trunk; Wrap burlap around tree or shrub 2-3 times – but not too tightly Overlap by about one-third as you move up the tree. And we're going to use 3-inch spacing between wraps. Over top of all of this, wrap the entirety, including the fronds, with plastic wrap. I am lazy. Colored lights usually are best for the holidays. On the first pass as you work your way up the trunk or branch, use double your desired spacing, placing a wrap at every other mark. Never climb a tree to hang lights. For an alternative criss-cross look, try wrapping both up and down the trunk or branch. Wrapping the light string into a ball makes it much easier to handle throughout the process. Prevent sunscald by wrapping the trunk with white guards to reflect the sun and keep the bark at a more constant temperature. The tree's roots, branches, trunk and foliage all require protection from anything that can inhibit their water- and nutrient-absorbing abilities. Wrap it tightly enough to stay in place but not so tightly that it blocks air circulation to the bark. Make sure you'll have what you need on hand. Ideally, it will also have an interesting form and elegant branches that will look especially striking when illuminated. You can plug the cord into the outlet, if desired, or wait until you're finished. Wrap the lights starting at the base of your palm and wind your way up the tree. Wrapping the trunk of your tree with burlap helps protect it from the damaging effects of winter exposure and discourages foraging animals from damaging the trunk. Now start at the base of the trunk, with the male plug at ground level, and begin wrapping. In any case, it looks best if you choose the same lights in each color, such as all warm or all cool whites. Test each strand of lights by plugging it in and making sure all of the lights are working. Secure the end of the light string, as needed, to complete the installation. You can use a freestanding stepladder for relatively low heights, but for higher areas, use an extension ladder. That brown paper wrap we buy in rolls should no longer be used. Start with one that creates a natural focal point in your landscape. Wrap the lights up each limb or large branch, making sure you have several extra feet of string. This will prevent adventitious roots from forming and ultimately girdling the tree. Odd shapes of branches and limbs can become magical in the evening when electrified with twinkling lights. A very large tree can have a lot of "wow" factor, but the bigger (and taller) it is, the more lights it will need. Don't use metal wire, which could create a shock or fire hazard if the metal cuts through the light's wire insulation. The best outdoor lights to use are LED lights. You'll want to do some simple measuring and calculating to be sure that you have the lights on hand that you'll need. When wrapping, overlap each layer by one-third to one-half inch, and take care not to wrap the trunk too tightly. Always follow standard ladder safety procedures, making sure the ladder is evenly supported at the top and bottom and that it angles at about 75 degrees (15 degrees from vertical). If your tree’s trunk is split significantly on one side rather than going straight down the middle, it may be best to simply cut away the damaged section. Use this equation to learn how to wrap a tree with lights: 4'H trunk / 3" spacing = 16 x 2' circumference = 32' of lighting 3'L branch / 3" spacing = 12 x 6" circumference = 6' of lighting per branch Total lighted feet will be approximately 56' for the trunk and four branches Plan and budget for lights accordingly. Make coiled balls of the light strands to make them easy to handle. The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension says to add gravel to the base of the guard. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. Trees can be wrapped in just about any kind of decorative light. Compare. If the lights don’t latch easily, use twist ties to … Cut a piece of sheet metal about 2 to 3 feet wide and 6 to 8 inches longer than the trunk circumference. Once you've wrapped a few times around, friction will help to hold the wire in place. Generally, though, smaller bulbs are considered more suitable for this purpose. x 20 ft. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. When determining how many lights or strands of lights to use, don't follow the old saying, "A little goes a long way." Depending on the circumference of the trunk, each wrap can easily use up 20 or 30 lights. 5 mm Wide Angle Conical, specifically, is a great choice for wrapping trees. Option one: Loosely wrap burlap all the way around the tree, from the lowest branches to slightly above the highest peak. Wrap it around the tree's trunk in a cylinder shape and bury it about 2 inches in the soil to hold it in place and help keep out rodents. Copyright © 2019 Christmas Designers. Lighting is suitable for most types of trees, including evergreens, deciduous trees, palm trees, and even yucca. It's awfully frustrating to run out of lights on a partially completed tree! To graft a tree, start by cutting a bud off of a healthy tree that has peelable bark that's green and moist underneath. And we predict that you will even enjoy the process of installing lights on your trees. LED lights cost quite a bit more than incandescent, but because LEDs cost less to run, they pay for themselves long before they burn out. Start by wrapping the trunk of the tree, wrapping the mini lights firmly. The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension says to add gravel to the base of the guard. 99. To secure, use twine to tie the top, middle and bottom of the tree. Space the wraps about two hands (eight fingers) apart. Decide where the visible base of the tree is—this is the point where the tree becomes visible from the street or from the house. Tree Guard Paint Protection Against Damaging Sunburn Insects and Rodents ... Vigoro 4 in. Measure the circumference of the tree trunk. By using The Spruce, you accept our, The 10 Best Outdoor Christmas Lights of 2020. Select the tree or trees you would like to light up. Set your store to see local availability Add to Cart. Go around the tree trunk / branches systematically, wrapping tightly. What you don't want is a big tree that is sparsely lighted, so choose the right size for the amount of lights you have or are willing to buy. Step 1 Place one end of the burlap roll on the trunk of the tree at its base and hold it in place. Top Rated ProFlex E-Z Protect Tree Trunk Protector (12-Pack) Model# 1131-12C $ 24 33 $ 24 33. Tree wrap also helps protect young trees from freezing. Plug the first strand of lights into the extension cord. To secure, use twine to tie the top, middle and bottom of the tree. Improving a tree's health and vigor is a priority especially when the tree trunk is injured. To repair this type of damage, cut off any ragged bark edges with a sharp knife. I did not feel the need to use … The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Use thin, easily flexible sheet metal, such as 26 gauge, that bends easily around trees. Wrap some grafting rubber around the tree to hold the bud in place and leave it for a month. Trying Bark Grafting Scions should be up to three dormant, or not currently sprouting, twigs of about … The primary function of tree wrap is to protect the tree’s trunk. I would consider starting with 4-6 of these strings for your tree depending on how tightly you want to spiral the cords around the tree. To finish, wrap the tape horizontally around the tree trunk two or three times and then cut the tape. This is common during branch breakage and when the trunk of the tree has been scraped. 3.5 oz. Palm tree trunks wrapped with white or red lights show off their vertical, upright forms, drawing the eye upward toward the night sky. Use a white commercial tree wrap or plastic tree guards. Start at the base of the tree with the first string of lights. But for all the 'oomph' that wrapping trees will add to your display, it's not a difficult task. Option one: Loosely wrap burlap all the way around the tree, from the lowest branches to slightly above the highest peak. If you need to climb more than about 6 feet high, have a helper hold the base of the ladder and to "spot" the lighting from the ground while you're up on the ladder. RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason "Wrapping the trunk of a young tree with paper tree-wrap in the fall prevents winter sun scald. Use the same process to wrap branches. Get it as soon as Mon, Dec 21. White is universal and is suitable for any time of the year. Free delivery. This makes it easy to handle a long string without having to fight a tangled mess. Protective Tree Wrapping Model# 5231PV $ 5 48 $ 5 48. Compare. Often, bare leafless trees provide the ideal framework for hanging lights, especially horizontal-spreading varieties. For the color of the lights, warm white LEDs provide a nice, warm glow reminiscent of the incandescents that everyone loves (and with which so many traditionalists have trouble parting). And don't forget about extension cords. The top of the palm tree (where the fronds grow out of the trunk) is very sensitive and needs to be wrapped thick. Now, let's put all those numbers together: So we need 60 feet of lighting to wrap the trunk. You also want to avoid wrapping the tree too tightly to give it room to breathe, especially outdoors. Keep the tape taut as you wrap it around the trunk. Cutting away a small portion of the tree shouldn’t cause any permanent, lasting damage. You might want to add an additional 200 feet if your tree … $15.99 $ 15. Top Rated ProFlex E-Z Protect Tree Trunk Protector (12-Pack) Model# 1131-12C $ 24 33 $ 24 33. WRAPPING THE PALM. And it's also worth considering that smaller bulbs are much easier to install. The clips can be particularly useful for holding the wires in position long-term since the swaying and bending caused by wind can work to dislodge wraps from their original positioning. Then when you reach the top, start back down, placing wraps at the marks that were skipped on the first pass. 3.5 oz. Remove the wrapping just as the weather begins to warm up lest you risk rotting the tree. Position the cord end at this point. Tree wrap is perforated, and the rough side should be placed next to the bark. Place your hand under the wrap periodically to prevent from pulling it too tightly around the tree. Draw the lines with a permanent marker and use a pair of tin snips to cut through the sheet metal. Now measure the height of the trunk. Start at the bottom of the tree trunk and begin wrapping the material all the around the tree. Wrap the tape past the first or second branch. Your family will enjoy the spectacular look, and so will sightseers. Start by wrapping the trunk of the tree, wrapping the mini lights firmly. If you're going to be using 3-inch spacing between wraps, for example, use a tape measure and a piece of chalk or a marker to place some small reference points along the length to be wrapped. You can also use a plastic zip tie, as long as you remember to cut it off before long. It's a wonderful way to make sightseeing Christmas Enthusiasts say "ooh" and "ahh" as they slowly pass by your home. Secure the tape at the top with a strip of duct tape. 2 Pack Natural Jute Burlap Tree Protector Wraps- 7.8" × 9.8' Winter Plants Wrap Tree Trunk Guard Protector Wrap Shrub Plants Antifreeze Bandage Packing Tree Wrap for Keep Plant Warm and Moisturizing. When the tree is fully wrapped, you should secure the tree wrap with a bit of duct tape. Starting a Christmas Light Business - Pro Secrets Book. Then, make a "T" shaped cut on the tree you want to graft onto and slip the bud into the flaps of bark you cut. For very large trees with lots of lights, two extension cords may be needed. If your tree’s trunk is split significantly on one side rather than going straight down the middle, it may be best to simply cut away the damaged section. Also, give some thought to the wire color of the light sets you purchase. A. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Treating a tree wound and using a correct pruning method will support tree health by slowing the rotting process. And it's the bulb of choice for the vast majority of professional lighting installers. 4.0 out of 5 stars 13. Plug the tape into a ground fault receptacle. Tree wounds often appear ragged where the bark is torn during the injury. Improving a tree's health and vigor is a priority especially when the tree trunk … You will be able to let them unwind as you go around the tree. Because the cord will be outdoors and may get wet, it must have GFCI (ground-fault circuit-interrupter) protection to protect against shock hazards. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Wrap the tape around the trunk three times so it overlaps itself and creates a band around the base of the tree. x 20 ft. Just follow a few basic tips and recommendations, and you'll find that the job of wrapping your trees will progress smoothly and quickly. And it's also worth considering that … Tree trunks should be wrapped from an inch below the soil’s surface to the first branch of the tree. Choose the Trees for Lighting. Add it all together and you'll have the total amount of lighting you'll need to wrap the tree. The tree … The process is just a little bit challenging and lots of fun! Start by rolling your string of lights gently into a ball. All of that is too much work for me. If desired, connect multiple light strings (after testing them) by plugging them together end-to-end. During warm weather, there's nothing more inviting than a comfortable outdoor space bejeweled with twinkling lights. Smaller bulbs tend to highlight and accent the natural symmetry of the tree without overwhelming. Improving Tree's Vigor. Use tree wrap to protect the trunks of young trees from sun scald. Do not use brown paper tree wrap or black colored tree guards as they will absorb heat from the sun. Photo Courtesy of Generally, though, smaller bulbs are considered more suitable for this purpose. But you can also use zip ties and these handy tree clips to help hold the wires in place. Many of our bulbs are offered with the option of different wire colors such as white, green, and brown. If fencing is not suitable, protect individual trees by wrapping any number of materials around the trunk, including chicken wire, plastic mesh netting, spiral wraps, paper tree wraps, plastic piping, or corrugated drain pipe. Trim the grass around the exposed roots and around the tree trunk by … To ensure even spacing, check the distance between windings with your hand. You can even cut plastic bottles open and tie them around the trunk … Trees can be wrapped in just about any kind of decorative light. Continue wrapping the tree tape upward on a slight diagonal, overlapping the tape about one-half the width of the tape, and keeping the tape snug. Now, after tying, the trunk and tree fronds should be in a vertical pole-like position that will enable you to wrap the palm tree trunk and top fronds. Wrapping some of your trees with lights can make a dramatic impact upon your summer patio or Christmas display. Using our How Many Lights Should I Put on My Tree Calculator, we see that a nice starting range is 350-525 C9 bulbs. You want to avoid wrapping them too tightly because you may need to adjust the lights in areas or swap out bulbs if one burns out. A strong zip tie could girdle the tree and cause damage if it's not removed. The tree … Aim for uniform spacing to make the finished project look its best. Mow Around A Tree Overlap the tree wrap 1/3 with each turn around the tree, advises Kansas State University. Trees decorated with light strings always look festive for the holidays, and they can be just as fun and magical any other time of the year. If the strands of lights are slipping … Also, decide how far apart you want to space each wrap of lights around the trunk (2-3 inches apart is a popular spacing). You can wrap a small trunk with a single net and span a gap at the "far side" of the tree with zip ties. Use about four fingers to get consistent spacing between each wrap around the tree trunk. When the tree is fully wrapped, you should secure the tree wrap with a bit of duct tape. It just doesn't apply in this case. To wrap your tree start at the bottom of the trunk. Make sure the male plug is ground level to … Select the tree or trees you would like to light up. Walk to the curb or out to the street, and make a mental note as to where the trunk is visible. Pin the burlap temporarily, cut from the spool and remove pins. Use thin, easily flexible sheet metal, such as 26 gauge, that bends easily around trees. Tree trunks should be wrapped from an inch below the soil’s surface to the first branch of the tree. There are no hard and fast rules for selecting lights for this purpose. You want to avoid wrapping them too tightly because you may need to adjust the lights in areas or swap out bulbs if one burns out. Measure the circumference of the tree trunk. Use a ladder to reach high areas. Pin the burlap temporarily, cut from the spool and remove pins. Tree Guard Paint Protection Against Damaging Sunburn Insects and Rodents ... Vigoro 4 in. How to Set Up Twinkly Christmas Lights and App Configuration, How to Properly Decorate a Christmas Tree, Tips for an Awe-Inspiring Christmas Lights Display, Commercial Christmas Decorating, Sales & Consulting, Indoor & Outdoor Commercial Christmas Trees, 5 feet (the length) x 4 (the number of wraps per foot) = 20 feet, 20 feet x 3 feet (the circumference) = 60 feet. Create a "donut" of mulch by pulling the mulch away from the trunk about 6 inches. The first step, of course, is to choose the lights you'll be using. You might consider connecting a couple of zip ties together for a wider gap. Then, wrap the trunk with 3-4 layer of burlap and secure with duct tape. You also want to avoid wrapping the tree too tightly to give it room to breathe, especially outdoors. In most cases running one cord to each tree will suffice, though you may need multiple plug-ins to the cord. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. The wrap should be snug, but not overly tight. You might start by correctly pruning dead and dying branches to increase tree vigor and encourage a more attractive specimen. Begin winding the tree wrap around the entire base working on a slight upward angle. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, #1 Choice for Pros & Christmas Enthusiasts. The process of wrapping lines of lights around trunks and branches can be made significantly more difficult if you have to deal with the bulkiness of larger bulbs. Set your store to see local availability Add to Cart. Be sure the prongs that you need to plug in are on the bottom. In addition, tall grasses, rocks, and other landscaping features might cover or obscure the very bottom of the trunk. Smaller bulbs tend to highlight and accent the natural symmetry of the tree without overwhelming. Start by measuring the distance around the trunk, the circumference. Perhaps the most popular choice is to use mini-lights - preferably LED mini-lights. It can also be helpful to measure out the spacing you want to use. You can always start small and add more lights each year. Attach one end of your tape to the burlap at the base of the tree and wrap it around the tree twice. What is the Best Way to Check and Fix Holiday Christmas Lights? Photo Courtesy of There are no hard and fast rules for selecting lights for this purpose. Cutting away a small portion of the tree shouldn’t cause any permanent, lasting damage. Connect the edges of the fencing material with wire and keep it closed. You don't want to put up all of the lights only to discover that a strand in the middle is on the fritz. 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